By staff, Morning Star Productions

Rebecca St. James, a Grammy® Award-winning Christian singer and best-selling author, found herself on the receiving end of controversy this week—a controversy that began on FOX News Channel’s Hannity with her Monday (12/12) appearance—and a discussion that led to her defense of the virtues of abstinence until marriage and the current national pre-occupation with Tim Tebow’s display of Christianity on the football field.

Rebecca St. James

Long an outspoken Christian values advocate with media, the discussion started surrounding Rebecca’s latest book, What Is He Thinking?? (Faithwords/Hachette) which espouses Christian values in dating and abstinence pre-marriage.

Fellow Hannity co-chairs on the “Great American Panel” – political pundit and Fox anchor/correspondent Bob Beckel, and actor-turned-Sirius XM radio host Jay Thomas – proved less than supportive of Rebecca’s belief system on purity until marriage and her opinion that Tim Tebow is a role model for American youth. Thomas opined on the subject of abstinence that he believed in “test driving a car before you buy it,” and on the subject of Tebow as a role model. He quipped—“I have no interest in my sons being like Tim Tebow.”

Noted Hannity, who has personally endorsed Rebecca’s latest book: “Don’t we make fun of people that have good values? If a guy tells you he’s 28 and still a virgin—you’re going to laugh at him!”

“That’s right,” retorted Thomas.

Rebecca responded to Thomas: “I’m sad for you that you’d laugh at him and I’m sad actually that you, as a parent, wouldn’t want Tim Tebow as a role model for your kids. I think most people that are watching tonight would want a Tim Tebow as a role model for their kids. He’s an outstanding young man with values and morals.”

Facebook, for both the Fox New Network’s program site and Rebecca’s own social universe, was alive post-Hannity with support of Rebecca’s values.

Given a sampling of the outpouring of support, Rebecca called this week’s Hannity experience, “Affirming that Fox viewers are proving Christian values are still strongly supported in America.”

The following appeared among comments on Facebook:

“God’s love and wisdom definitely did shine through Rebecca. You were a bright beacon. Thank you for all you do.” (Mark)

“Awesome job tonight on Hannity. You stood up strong against the guys on there who were really being harsh on your views. You have been a fantastic example to me and I’m so thankful for you!! I’ve never had a boyfriend and you have encouraged me in my journey of being patient and waiting for my husband. Thank you.” (Kailey)

Speaking of Tebow being a great role model for one’s son is right on…

“Great job tonight on Hannity!!! I was so impressed how you held your own around those other two guys. Thank you so much for always being such strong and out spoken Christian. We need more people like you and Tim Tebow out there shining the light for Christ!!! Thank you for inspiring me and being a role model for me since I was 15!!!” (Laura)

“I also watched you on Hannity and was very encouraged by how rock solid and kind you were in the face of such rudeness and worldly morals. You have a new fan today!!! AND I’m going to buy your book for my 14-year-old sister because Jay Thomas is wrong, there are still moral guys out there, and I pray that woman everywhere would not settle for anything less. Thank you.” (Zach)

Rebecca’s book, What Is He Thinking?? is available at local retail Christian bookstores, and all major online book retailers and through her website at

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